Beyond normal: on the evaluation of mutual information estimators
P. Czyż, F. Grabowski, J.E. Vogt, N. Beerenwinkel, A. Marx
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2023)
How reliably can we estimate mutual information from non-Gaussian data?
Mutual information is a general statistical dependency measure which has found applications in representation learning, causality, domain generalization and computational biology. However, mutual information estimators are typically evaluated on simple families of probability distributions, namely multivariate normal distribution and selected distributions with one-dimensional random variables. In this paper, we show how to construct a diverse family of distributions with known ground-truth mutual information and propose a language-independent benchmarking platform for mutual information estimators. We discuss the general applicability and limitations of classical and neural estimators in settings involving high dimensions, sparse interactions, long-tailed distributions, and high mutual information. Finally, we provide guidelines for practitioners on how to select appropriate estimator adapted to the difficulty of problem considered and issues one needs to consider when applying an estimator to a new data set.
- The story behind this project has appeared on the blog.
- We have written a follow-up paper with new insights! It’s a bit more theoretical than this one, but I like its premise more.
title={Beyond Normal: On the Evaluation of Mutual Information Estimators},
author={Paweł Czyż and Frederic Grabowski and Julia E. Vogt and Niko Beerenwinkel and Alexander Marx},
booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},